Sunday, April 16, 2023


Vincent Furnier (Vocals, Harmonica), Glen Buxton (Lead Guitar), and Dennis Dunaway (Bass) were classmate who played under the names The Earwigs, and The Spiders. They were later joined by Michael Bruce (Rhythm Guitar/Keyboards) became the Nazz (not to be confused with Todd Rundgren’s band of the same name) before adding drummer Neal Smith and re-christening the group, “Alice Cooper”. Furnier took the name for himself as well and the stage was set. 

The guys hung out with members of Pink Floyd and Furnier dated Miss Christine (of the GTOs) who influenced his look and style, and the band soon secured a 3-record deal with Frank Zappa’s label. The first 2 outings didn’t light the world on fire, and it was put up or shut up time (Zappa had sold the label by this time). The guys “put up” and recorded a hit that sent them (and then later with Vincent flying solo) on a journey that saw “Alice Cooper” recording top-notch (if not always commercially viable) albums to this day. 

Alice Cooper is often linked to the hard rock scene, but they were pretty eclectic and defy that narrow definition. They incorporated pop, Broadway, blues and even some western & Spanish flavoring into something that was to be known as “Shock Rock”. 

Graded on a 5-Snake scale 🐍

* Part 6: Nostalgia

* Bonus Material: Welcome to My Collection

* Bonus Material: Remastered Deluxe Editions

* Bonus Material: Album Length etc

* Backstage Pass: Melanie / Nazareth / The Greg Kihn Band / Roxy Music

The story of this blog: I was planning to see Jesus Christ Superstar on its 50th anniversary, but woke up sick as a dog, so I missed that, and unable to get out -and in between sleep- I took to listening to my Alice Cooper records, then I got in my head to make a ranked list, and then I wrote about what I heard -spent weeks on that - and that's how this baby was born. I'm no pro critic, just a fan who felt like gushing about something he loves and has loved for a long time. Alice and I go way back - to the 70s (I was 13 when I got my first LP, I'm in my 60s now), and I've collected a whole lot of memories and great music in that time. Cooper's one of the most consistent and long lasting among my favorites - there are bands, singers I like who put out 2 or 3 really superb albums before the bottom falls out, but year after year, decade after decade, Alice carries on. 


Vincent Furnier (Vocals, Harmonica), Glen Buxton (Lead Guitar), and Dennis Dunaway (Bass) were classmate who played under the names The Earw...